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📌 Decarbonising mobility in rural areas, by uses – in September

By: Lesley Brown 14 August 2024 no comments

📌 Decarbonising mobility in rural areas, by uses – in September

Futura-Mobility, the think tank for innovation and foresight in mobility, is organising a session (in French) on:

Decarbonising mobility in rural areas, by uses 


Already made clear in France during the Yellow Jacket crisis, then again at the ballot box, as services and places for sociability disappear in rural areas, a sense of unease is emerging among inhabitants.

With regards mobility, the challenge is threefold: also taking care of people living in these areas that are all too often blind spots; enabling them to shift away from private car dependency; decarbonising mobility.


The session will provide an opportunity for sharing on alternative mobility systems to the private car in sparsely populated areas.


The programme is still under construction, but the following speakers have already confirmed their presence:

  • Thomas Matagne, founding president of ‘Ecov, which offers a new public service to link up territories : car pooling routes for car pooling in the same way as taking the bus.”
  • Thibault Lécuyer, CEO of Padam Mobility, which designs and develops dynamic On Demand solutions using infallible algorithms.
  • Antoine Dupont, managing director of La Fabrique des Mobilités, who will be presenting the results of trials of intermediary vehicles in rural and peri-urban territories.