In a changing world, the world of work is changing too. Over time, career fields have always evolved in line with social and technological changes, with jobs disappearing or shifting, or new ones emerging.
Today, this trend has never been so strong. “65% of today’s school children will graduate into jobs that have yet to be invented,” estimates the US Departement of Labor.

To explore and better understand these inevitable developments, Le Dico des Métiers de Demain is now at hand!
Published (in French 🇫🇷) in October 2022 by Les Propulseurs, the book suggests 170 possible futures through 170 jobs. Among them, careers in transport imagined together with members of Futura-Mobility, the think tank for prospective thinking and innovation in the mobility industry.
The fun and inventive approach of Le Dico des Métiers de Demain certainly provides plenty of food for thought.
Cotransporteur, tyroliste, péchopeur, dronisigners, tairxi, recyspaciste…. During creative workshops and brainstorming sessions, led by Anne-Caroline Paucot and Luc Legay, Futura-Mobility used the method designed by Les Propulseurs based on:
- challenges to face, like the climate emergency,
- advances in technology and research (artificial intelligence, decoding the human genome, brain discovery, nanotechnologies, blockchain…), and
- new use cases (apps, trials and testing, innovations… all bricks for building a society).

Piétoliste, éthinomaute, dronadariste, musculetreur… This teamwork has enriched Le Dico des Métiers with a total of 70 jobs in mobility to come (maybe!) in its Transportez-Nous ! themed section. For the members of Futura-Mobility, the co-construction workshops were also an opportunity to think differently about the future of work and transport.
How can we give back meaning to work and, at the same time, meet future social and technological challenges? Indeed, as a trend detector, Le Dico seeks to help companies pinpoint the skills needed for tomorrow’s world.