Our publications
Futura-Mobility has produced some major deliverables in recent years. These projects, in the form of publications, are the fruit of collaboration with a writer, students, and experts. They explore the many facets of mobility of the future and associated challenges, putting people back at the heart of the changes needed.
Two of these publications, ‘Capsules Intemporelles’ (2018) and ‘Le Dico des Métiers de Demain’ (2022), take a forward-looking and imaginative approach. Written by Anne-Caroline Paucot, the first explores possible futures through 20 short fictions, while the second presents 170 jobs of the future, including 70 specifically linked to mobility. What about the uses of hyperloop? Or personal drones? Will we need dronadarists to repair drones, or automossurers to insure autonomous vehicles?
In 2024, Futura-Mobility conducted two studies on mobility issues together with student teams.
One study, carried out in collaboration with Junior Consulting Louvain, analyses the mobility sector in the light of Kate Raworth’s donut model, highlighting its impact on planetary limits and contribution to social dimensions. Analysing the donut from a sectoral perspective represents a highly innovative approach!
Finally, a project with students from the Ecole Urbaine at Sciences Po Paris has developed six new indicators for a more comprehensive and objective means of comparing transport modes, incorporating aspects such as passenger comfort, useful time, and the impact of transport on biodiversity. This work is a modest first step towards the ultimate goal of developing a ‘Yuka’ for transport.
These four projects illustrate Futura-Mobility’s commitment to exploring the multiple dimensions of future mobility and providing tools and perspectives to inform decisions and innovations in this domain.
Futura-Mobility’s future work will continue to be guided by the mobility sector’s contribution to respecting planetary limits and benefitting society.